Regardless of where toxins originate, everyone on this planet has unwanted, potentially harmful and disease-causing waste in their body. If this waste is allowed to build up and remain in the body, it can - and will - cause irritation, inflammation, scarring, illness, disease and even death.
The two main sources of waste are: (1) waste that is generated from the normal and natural metabolic functions of our body, (2) direct ingestion of toxic chemicals from food and drinks. We consume, air we breathe, exposure to toxic environmental chemicals, poisons in our homes, and/or simply by living in the modern world.
DP is the antidote for modern living and program for preventative healing and disease treatment. Detoxification heals illness and promotes optimal health.
DP, is the antidote for modern living and program for preventative healing and eliminates waste, mucous, toxic chemicals, poisons or any harmful residue trapped in your fat, muscles, organs, cells and even the spaces between organs within your body.
Disease-fighting dose: Take 3-5 capsules, 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks. Best if taken on an empty stomach.
Take 1 capsule, 2-3 times a day. Healthy diet, proper hydration, and exercise keep your main channels of elimination functioning optimally.